In The Mailbox!

I'm sure you have heard the phrase that teachers teach for the outcome, not the income. I believe that to be so true for the teachers that I know now and the teachers that I had over the years. I'm not a teacher, although if I had to do it all over again, I think I would choose education as a career. The impact may not be immediately known, but an impact is made nonetheless and what an opportunity they have to influence so many lives in mostly a positive way. (I know many may have negative experiences with teachers but this blog is about the POSITIVE impact!) Why the silly title? " In The Mailbox "? Well, you see, " the mailbox" is a prepositional phrase and prepositional phrases by themselves do not make sense. While my writing skills and grammar have certainly diminished over the years, this one phrase stands out. Why? Well let me tell you why: My junior high English teacher, Miss Kestner would randomly shout out during class, "In the mailbox...